Embedded Systems Workshop

Embedded Systems Workshop in Hyderabad: Tech Marshals organize workshops on a wide range of topics like Embedded Systems Workshop in Hyderabad, and also other workshops like Ethical HackingDigital Marketing, IOT, VLSI, DevOps, MATLAB, Salesforce CRM, RPA, & Web Design & Development across various colleges in Hyderabad and all over India. The topics offered are such that they are beneficial to who so ever is attending the workshop to gain awareness in the existing technology and choose their carrier in the field of their interest. We have our own way of pragmatic approach in the way we deliver our lectures which helps the students understand the concepts better

An Embedded Systems is a computer system with a dedicated function within a larger mechanical or electrical system, often with real-time computing constraints.There are more computers than people , and almost these computers are single chip microcontrollers (brains) of an embedded system.

Embedded systems are components of our everyday lives. We daily interact with hundreds of tiny computers that are embedded into our home appliances, cars, toys, bridges and at work places. As our world becoming more and more complex day by day, so it should have the capabilities of the microcontrollers embedded into our devices. With rapid penetration of smart technology, embedded systems has become the buzzword.

Embedded Systems Workshop Highlights

Embedded Sysytems workshop

  • Designing of Embedded System

  • Learn Advance Features of Microcontroller

  • Use of Different Display Devices

  • Interfacing different External Peripherals

  • Working with Real Time Live Projects

  • Develop your own project

Embedded Systems Workshop Overview

This workshop mainly focuses on the students eager to learn about Embedded Systems. They will get to know about designing, operation, construction, and application of Embedded System with real time practical experience.

Best Suited for : All B.Tech/B.E, BCA, BSc, M.E/ M.Tech Students

The duration of this workshop will be 2 day , with 6 Sessions , divided properly into theory and Practical hands on sessions.

Embedded Systems Workshop

Embedded Systems Workshop Modules

DAY 1:


Session 1: Embedded Systems Basics

Objective: To learn embedded systems basics. To understand the role and importance of current Embedded Systems Industry.

Topics to be covered:

  • Current Trends in Embedded systems
  • Embedded Systems Basics
  • What is Embedded Systems?
  • Embedded Systems Applications
  • Memory Mapped I/O v I/O mapped I/O
  • Von-Neumann Vs Harvard Architecture


Session 2: MSP430 Architecture

  • Objective: MSP430 RISC Architecture and Assembly Language.
  • MSP430 RISC Architecture
  • MSP 430 Block Diagram
  • Instruction set, Addressing modes
  • MSP 430 Targeted Applications.


Session 3: Mini Project1-GPIO Controller

Objective: To Learn, How to communicate or control Keypad & LED devices I/O devices using Wi-fi application. Practical demonstration on how to read GPIO Controller registers.

Skill set: Device Controller, GPIO Controller, Interrupts.

Topics to be covered:

  • Introduction to MSP 430 GPIO Controller
  • I/O Ports pull Up/Down registers Concepts.
  • Interrupts and interrupt programming.
  • How to initialize GPIO Controller and access/control data from Keypad or LED

Practical Demo:

  • LED
  • Processor-LED interface Block diagram.
  • Demonstrate LED device on Wi-Fi application.
  • LCD
  • Display Message on LCD
  • Keypad

o Processor-Keypad Interface Block diagram.

o Demonstrate Keypad on LCD.


Session 4: Mini Project2- ADC & PWM Application.

Objective: To Learn, How to use ADC & PWM application.

Topics to be covered:

  • MSP430 ADC Controller, PWM Controller, Timers, RTC.
  • Analog interfacing and data acquisition: ADC and Comparator in MSP430, data transfer using DMA.

Practical Demo:

MSP430 based embedded system application using ADC & PWM demonstration peripheral intelligence.

DAY 2:


Session 5: Mini Project3-Serial Communication

Objective: To learn Serial Communication protocol basics, MSP430 UART Controller architecture.

Topics to be covered:

  • Serial Communication
  • Synchronous/Asynchronous interfaces(like UART, USB, SPI, and I2C)
  • UART protocol, I2C protocol, SPI protocol.
  • Implementing and programming UART, I2C, SPI interface using MSP430, Interfacing external devices.
  • MSP430 based embedded system application using serial interface protocols for communication with external devices.

Practical Demo:

MSP430 based embedded system application using serial interface protocols for communication with external devices.

Session 6:

Objective: MSP 430 Interface with GPS, GSM and Send Data to Server for Vehicle Tracking

Skill set: Internet of Things, GPRS Topics to be covered:

  • IoT overview and architecture
  • Adding GPRS capability to the Micro-controller using GSM
  • Reading of GPS Co-ordinate
  • Sending Data to AWS server